What are YL's Committees?
Elected by you every year, our Committees help our Executive members achieve their goals and work across the party to make our voice heard.
As well as our Executive, YL has a number of committees which focus on a specific part of our work. Each Committee is chaired by the relevant Officer, with a number of seats elected by YL members each year.
Communications and Campaigns Committee
Communications and Campaigns Committee is responsible for promotion of YL's work to members and beyond, including through social media and email communications, as well as running regular campaigns, and produces our annual Freshers' Campaigns.
Committee Chair: Sarah Anderson, the Federal Communications Officer
Elected members: Joshua Hall, Timi Jibogu and Prem Raghvani.
State Representatives: Rebecca Proctor (English YL), Corey Bonniface (Scottish YL) and Dylan Calved (Welsh YL). A member of International Committee is also entitled to attend.
Other YL officers: Chang Liu - Branch Development Officer, and Ulysse Abbate - Policy Officer
Diversity Committee
Diversity Committee is responsible for supporting the Accessibility, Diversity & Inclusion Officer and is a voice for underrepresented groups in politics and the Young Liberals, including holding the Executive to account.
Committee Chair: Bex Foulsham, the Federal Co-Accessibility, Diversity & Inclusion Officer.
Elected members: Timi Jibogu (Racial Equity, Diversity and Liberation Officer), Abrial Jerram (Minority Ethnic Rep), Liam Hitchin (Disability Rep), Harvey Thomas-Benton (LGBA+ Rep), Olivia Dunn (Women's Rep), Scarlet Threadgold (Trans Rep), Brendan Roberts (Care-Experienced Rep), Benjamin Glover (Under 18s Rep), Shaunak Gutpa (Social Mobility Rep)
Elections Committee
Elections Committee is responsible for planning and implementing election strategies, organising Action Days and co-ordinating with LDHQ during election season.
Committee Chair: Harvey Jones, the Federal Young Liberals Chair
YL Officers on the Committee: Alex Gallagher, as Federal Elections Officer, William Tennison, as Federal Membership Development Officer, Sarah Anderson, as Federal Communications Officer
State Representiatives: Josh Lucas Mitte (EYL), Leo Dempster (SYL) and Sam Wilson (WYL)
Events Committee
Events Committee is responsibile for supporting the Events Officer in the organisation of conference, and any other events that occur throughout the year.
Committee Chair: Lucas North, the Federal Events Officer.
Elected Members: Tim Macy and Josh Tompsett.
State Representatives: Tom Jordan (EYL), Leo Dempster (SYL) & Sam Wilson (WYL)
YL Officers on the Committee: Ulysse Abbate - Policy Officer, Will Tennison - Membership Development Officer
Read the minutes of the committee meetings HERE.
Finances and Resources Committee
Finance and Resources Committee is responsible for preparing the annual budget of the organisation, our accounts and scrutinise the work of the Treasurer and Fundraising Officers.
Committee Chair: Lucas North, Registered Treasurer
State Representatives: Josh Lucas Mitte, Chair of English Young Liberals; Sam Wilson, Chair of Welsh Young Liberals; Leo Dempster, Chair of Scottish Young Liberals
Other members: Harvey Jones, Federal Chair; Callum James Littlemore, Fundraising Officer.
These meetings are all Closed Business, so there are no publically avaliable minutes.
International Committee
International Committee is responsible for assisting the International Officer, being on and co-opting delegations to international conferences such as LYMEC (European Liberal Youth) and IFLRY (International Liberal Youth).
Committee Chairs: Tom Jordan and Rowan Fitton, the Federal Co-International Officers
Elected Members: Oliver Jones-Lyons, Trystan Lloyd, Josh Lucas Mitte and Sharan Virk
Representatives of Affiliated International Organisations: Sean Bennett (LYMEC) and Kai Pischke (IFLRY)
Policy Committee
Policy Committee drafts YL policy, sets up working groups, provides drafting advice to members on their motions ahead of Conferences, and selects motions for debate at Conference.
Committee Chair: Ulysse Abbate, the Federal Policy Officer.
Elected members: Cormac Evans, Brandon Masih and Harvey Thomas-Benton
State Representatives: Tim Macy (English YL), Arran Hibbert (Scottish YL) and Brendan Roberts (Welsh YL).
Policy committee also includes any Young Liberal who sits on the Federal Policy Committee or Federal Conference Committee.