Young Liberals Regions
Devon and Cornwall
Chair: Lottie Wilson
Campaigns Officer: Vacant
Membership Engagement Officer: Vacant
Branch Representatives: N/A
Other Co-Optees: N/A
East Midlands
Chair: Oscar Renton
Campaigns Officer: Vacant
Membership Engagement Officer: Vacant
Branch Representatives: N/A
Other Co-Optees: N/A
East of England
Chair: Scarlet Threadgold
Campaigns Officer and Vice-Chair: James Hawketts
Membership Engagement Officer: Shaunak Gupta
Branch Representatives: Sarah Anderson (Cambridge University Liberal Association)
Other Co-Optees: Will Tennison (member without portfolio), Sean Bennett (member without portfolio)
Chair: Sam Cumber
Vice Chair: Benjamin Glover
Membership Engagement Officer: Johan Prisloo
Campaigns Officer: Joel Punwani
Communications Officer: David Agyemang
Branch Representatives: Sam Lindsley (KCL), Keeran Kirubakaran (UCL), Archie Rankin (Queen Mary) and Will Francis (Ealing YL)
North East
Chair: Prem Raghvani
Campaigns Officer: Vacant
Membership Engagement Officer: Vacant
Branch Representatives: N/A
Other Co-Optees: N/A
North West
Chair: Tom Penketh
Campaigns Officer: Vacant
Membership Engagement Officer: Vacant
Branch Representatives: N/A
Other Co-Optees: N/A
South Central
Chair: Brandon Masih
Campaigns Officer: Vacant
Membership Engagement Officer: Vacant
Branch Representatives: N/A
Other Co-Optees: N/A
South East
Chair: Sharan Virk
Campaigns Officer: Vacant
Membership Engagement Officer: Vacant
Branch Representatives: N/A
Other Co-Optees: N/A
West Midlands
Chair: Ben O'Callaghan
Campaigns Officer: Alex Gallagher
Membership Engagement Officer: Ryan McMichael
Branch Representatives: Kate Sutcliffe (from the University of Birmingham Liberal Democrats)
Other Co-Optees: Annabelle Gurney-Terry as Communications Officer
Western Counties
Chair: Taylor Winson-Quon
Campaigns Officer: Vacant
Membership Engagement Officer: Vacant
Branch Representatives: N/A
Other Co-Optees: N/A
Yorkshire and the Humber
Chair: Vacant
Campaigns Officer: Vacant
Membership Engagement Officer: Vacant
Branch Representatives: N/A
Other Co-Optees: N/A