Your YL By-Election Candidates
Meet your By-Election candidates! When manifestos become available, you will be able to view them by clicking on the candidate's name. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by last name.
- The Federal Executive:
- Secretary:
- Henry Kicinski-Mason [Manifesto: Original | Plain Text]
- Harvey Thomas-Benton [Manifesto: Original | Plain Text]
- Racial Equity, Diversity and Liberation Officer:
- No Candidates
- Secretary:
- Federal Committees
- Diversity Committee (9 community reps):
- Disabled
- Jack Carter [Manifesto: Original | Plain Text]
- Care-Experienced
- No Candidates
- Disabled
- Diversity Committee (9 community reps):
- the role of Honourary Vice-President of the Young Liberals (1 role)
- Cara F. Hermit [Manifesto: Original | Plain Text]
- Charlie Murphy [Manifesto: Original | Plain Text]