Staff Member
Young Liberals Development Officer Tom Hughes The Young Liberals' Staff Member helps with the management of the organisation, including safeguarding and compliance issues. Contact:…
Young Liberals Development Officer Tom Hughes The Young Liberals' Staff Member helps with the management of the organisation, including safeguarding and compliance issues. Contact:…
Treasurer Lucas North Contact: Bio: Lucas works in business consulting and has an accountancy background, supporting internal and external audit engagements. …
Welsh Young Liberals Chair Sam Wilson Contact: Bio: Executive Duties: Responsible for setting the overall direction of the organisation in line with policy…
YL Appeals Panel Decisions 2024 Bliss vs Young Liberals Executive Committee [29th September 2024]
WhatsApp Community The Young Liberals now have a WhatsApp community, which members are welcome to join! All members may join the community and the announcements channel, where we'll be sharing…
Internal Elections Every year, our members elect our Executive - the group that runs YL for a 1 year term - and our Committees, that support specific officers in their work. We also elect the…
Conference Awards At each Young Liberals Conference, we like to show our appreciation to members who have impressed or gone above and beyond for the organisation or the party! Here, you can find out…
Spatula Awards At each conference, the Executive give out a series of spatula awards - inspired by the tool utilised by many Lib Dem deliverers. These awards recognise and celebrate the contributions…
The Erlend Watson Award Erlend Watson was a long-serving Liberal Democrat and formidable campaigner. In 2021, the Young Liberals awarded Erlend honorary life membership. "Erlend has been a…
The Emily Price Award "Emily Price was a warm, supportive, funny Young Liberals activist, and a friend to many Young Liberals members. She took over as chair of the YL branch at Aberystwyth…